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CoolSculpting Risks and Safety

For many, eating healthy and regular exercise isn’t quite enough to fight stubborn fat, and you may be one of those that has a bit of a stubborn fat bulge on your body. With great advancements in technology, the beautiful body you work so hard for but haven’t been able to accomplish yet is possible without the CoolSculpting risks and safety worries.

I Thought CoolSculpting Was the Only Choice. There Is a Better Way?

Yes! Ultrashape Power is the latest technology that uses sound waves instead of freezing temps to destroy fat cells forever. It does not have the CoolSculpting risks and safety concerns, yet is just as effective.

CoolSculpting Risks and Safety Make Ultrashape Power the Better Choice!

You may have heard the news surrounding Linda Evangelista’s experience with CoolSculpting. Sadly, she developed a condition called paradoxical adipose hyperplasia, or PAH, and instead of fat cells being destroyed, they became enlarged. 

While not a medically serious condition, it eventually forms into what look like growths at the treatment site and must be corrected with surgery. Because Ultrashape Power uses sound waves, there is no danger at all associated with CoolSculpting risks.

What Can I Expect With Ultrashape Power?

Ultrashape Power is completely non-invasive, sessions only last around an hour, and no downtime is needed for recovery. It is possible you’ll see some bruising, after but it is a painless treatment with virtually no unsafe side effects.

Call Us to Talk About the Exciting Possibilities with Ultrashape Power!

W Med Spa offers the most innovative treatments meant for incredible, targeted results. You can expect personalized and excellent care in a comfortable and welcoming environment. 

If you are ready to experience amazing results and see the contoured body you have worked so hard for, then please contact us by calling or texting us today to schedule an appointment at 301-681-8000. Don’t delay when you’re just a phone call away from a perfectly sculpted body!

If you are looking for a way to enhance your appearance without surgery, Dr. Wong at W Med Spa can help. Contact our office today to find out how we can help you achieve all of your aesthetic goals.CALL TODAY! 301-681-8000