Marks can appear on your skin over time, interfering with your clear complexion and affecting your self-confidence in your appearance. Pigmentation like freckles, solar lentigines and age spots are often the result of sun exposure or aging and typically make an appearance on visible areas like the face, chest and shoulders. Vascular lesions and spider veins can also be caused by sun damage, or because of trauma to the skin or even your genetic makeup. Like pigmentation spots, these marks often appear in visible areas where they can make you self-conscious about your appearance.
Dr. Wong and her staff at W Med Spa offer a solution to pigmented and vascular lesions that reduces their appearance without surgery and with minimal discomfort and downtime involved. Color correction using the revolutionary elos plus combines radiofrequency energy with light therapy to remove unwanted markings safely and effectively.
What is Color Correction?
Elos Plus is an innovative device that combines bipolar radiofrequency and light energy to target skin imperfections like brown spots and vascular lesions. The RF energy can penetrate deeply into the dermal layers to improve the overall look and feel of the skin. At the same time, optical energy (light) targets the melanin or blood in the skin to eliminate the blemishes.
Dr. Wong can adjust the energy wavelengths to tailor the procedure to your precise concerns. This means you get just enough light and RF energy to treat your skin issues – no more, no less. In addition, elos Plus works on any skin type and tone, making it one of the most versatile color correction devices on the market today.
What does it Treat?
Color correction using the elos Plus works on the following imperfections:
- Brown spots caused by sun damage
- Freckles and age spots
- Hyperpigmentation or melasma
- Diffuse redness from rosacea or other conditions
- Broken capillaries and spider veins
At the same time you see a reduction in these issues, you may also notice your skin texture and tone is enhanced overall as the RF energy goes to work deep beneath the surface to repair the underlying structure and stimulate collagen production.
Benefits of Color Correction
There are many reasons why color correction using elos Plus is a top choice for many of our patients:
- Outpatient procedure does not involve anesthesia or downtime afterward
- The technology offers better skin penetration for more dramatic results
- Wavelengths can be adjusted to make the procedure safer and more effective
- Fewer risks associated with this device than lasers used for the same purpose
- Works on nearly any skin type, including darker skin tones
While there are plenty of advantages to choosing color correction using elos plus, the procedure is not the right choice for everyone. Dr. Wong will evaluate your skin condition carefully to determine whether this technology will produce the results you want.
What Should I Expect from my Treatment?
Dr. Wong performs color correction in one of her treatment rooms at W Med Spa. Her first step will be the application of a numbing cream to the skin to ensure your comfort during the procedure. Once your skin is numb, Dr. Wong will run a handheld applicator across the skin’s surface, which delivers both the light and radiofrequency energy into the deeper dermal layers. You should not feel any pain during treatment, although you may feel some mild snapping sensations as the energy is delivered. An integrated cooling device helps your skin maintain a comfortable temperature throughout your session.
What Happens Afterward?
You will not have any recovery time after your color correction treatment. Your skin may be pink and slightly tender, but these side effects are mild and do not last for very long. You will be advised to use a powerful sunscreen for the first week or two to prevent UV rays from damaging your skin while it is vulnerable to burning.
You will start to see positive results after your first session, although our patients usually need a series of five to six treatments, spaced about one month apart to achieve their full results. If you protect your skin from the sun, you should not see the pigmented spots or vascular lesions return. If they do, touch-up sessions can be scheduled to help you maintain your positive results.
Don’t let brown spots and visible vessels make you self-conscious about your appearance. Now, you can say goodbye to those imperfections for good with minimal discomfort and downtime involved. Contact W Med Spa today at 301-557-0727 to schedule your consultation with Dr. Wong and find out if color correction using elos Plus is the right choice for you.