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UltraShape Body Sculpting in Silver Spring MD

UltraShape Body Sculpting in Silver Spring MD

UltraShape is the latest and greatest treatment available for body sculpting in Silver Spring MD.

In fact, in a little as three treatments with UltraShape, you can finally get rid of that stubborn body fat once and for all.

What Is UltraShape?

UltraShape is the first and only non-invasive body sculpting procedure approved by the FDA which uses ultrasound technology to eliminate fat cells.

How Does UltraShape Work?

The ultrasound energy emitted by UltraShape selectively targets and breaks down fat cells until they are destroyed.

These cells are then eliminated from your body naturally.

This treatment is non-surgical and requires zero anesthesia or incisions.

Does UltraShape Hurt?

Most patients describe UltraShape as a virtually painless treatment.

In fact, you will be able to resume your daily activities immediately following your treatment session.

UltraShape vs. CoolSculpting

When compared to CoolSculpting, studies have shown UltraShape to reduce 32% of fat (that’s 8% higher than the results that CoolSculpting boasts!)

Who Is a Good UltraShape Candidate?

UltraShape is ideal for individuals who are already practicing a healthy lifestyle but for whom diet and exercise isn’t enough to target specific areas of unwanted body fat.

This is not ideal for patients looking to lose a substantial amount of weight.

How Long Do Treatments Take?

You can expect your treatment session to take about an hour or less depending on the treatment location.

What Are the Treatment Results with UltraShape?

Your results may show immediately.

However, you can expect to see the full benefits 30 to 90 days after your final treatment session.

Where to Find Body Sculpting in Silver Spring MD

Dr. Wendy Wong and her team at W Med Spa have been offering a menu of aesthetic treatments to patients in the Silver Spring and Washington D.C. area for many years.

With a variety of treatment options in skin rejuvenation, Dr. Wong’s patients have all the tools they need to look and feel their best through every stage of life.

If you would like to schedule a consultation with a member of our team for UltraShape, please call us today at (301)681-8000.

If you are looking for a way to enhance your appearance without surgery, Dr. Wong at W Med Spa can help. Contact our office today to find out how we can help you achieve all of your aesthetic goals.CALL TODAY! 301-681-8000