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Women and men have more options for non-surgical fat removal than ever before – including UltraShape and CoolSculpting.

UltraShape vs. CoolSculpting Rockville Maryland

Women and men have more options for non-surgical fat removal than ever before – including UltraShape and CoolSculpting.

While the both body sculpting treatments are designed to target and eliminate bothersome bulges, there are some key differences between them.

Continue reading as we compare UltraShape vs. CoolSculpting in Rockville Maryland and highlight 4 ways UltraShape comes out on top.

What Is UltraShape?

UltraShape is a noninvasive body contouring treatment that uses pulsed, focused ultrasound technology to selectively heat and destroy fat cells beneath the skin.

Unlike other modalities, it is able to precisely target adipose tissue without affecting skin, nerves, or surrounding structures, for a safe, effective, and comfortable treatment.

Patients typically achieve optimal slimming and shaping outcomes with a series of three UltraShape treatments, lasting 30-60 minutes each.

UltraShape vs. CoolSculpting Rockville Maryland

When comparing UltraShape vs. CoolSculpting in Rockville Maryland, there are several reasons why UltraShape comes out on top.

1. Convenience and Comfort

To start, UltraShape treatments are faster than CoolSculpting and can be completed in 30-60 minutes and produce a pleasant warming sensation.

On the other hand, a CoolSculpting session can take several hours, and many individuals report pulling, tugging, stinging, and burning during the procedure.

2. Versatility

UltraShape’s treatment applicator isn’t presized and can cover a larger area than CoolSculpting’s hand pieces. This allows for a more flexible procedure, with greater customization and smooth, uniform sculpting effects.

3. Efficiency

In addition, most patients can see visible improvement within 10-14 days of their UltraShape treatment.

Comparatively, it can take four-to-six weeks to appreciate results from CoolSculpting in Rockville Maryland.

4. Results

Fat reduction capability is perhaps the biggest difference between UltraShape and CoolSculpting.

UltraShape can produce up to a 32 percent fat layer reduction, while CoolSculpting can eliminate up to 24% of fat cells in the treatment area,

Schedule a Consultation for UltraShape

If you are considering noninvasive body contouring, please call our office today to schedule a comprehensive UltraShape consultation with board-certified dermatologist Dr. Wong.

If you are looking for a way to enhance your appearance without surgery, Dr. Wong at W Med Spa can help. Contact our office today to find out how we can help you achieve all of your aesthetic goals.CALL TODAY! 301-681-8000